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College Audit
Sanity Check Review for $99.
Great Application
Create an application that sets you apart for $250.
Great College Choices
Applying to the wrong schools is one of the biggest mistakes students and parents make. Avoid this pitfall for $250.
Finding the Money
Let us help you find the money you need to pay for college without incurring huge debt. $250
Transfer Help
College transfers are not uncommon. And they can be very expensive. Let us help you make the right decision for $250.
Study Abroad
Our quick review can save you time, money, and make sure you are in the right program for $99.
Tuition Insurance
Indispensable. Let us help you to protect your investment. Price is a function of the amount of coverage you need. Request an application.
Saving for College
Request an application to let us help you with establishing a 529 Savings Plan or help with other tax issues related to saving and paying for college.
Surviving the Tuition Travesty
Comprehensive book on why college costs so much and what students and parents can do about it. $29.95
14 Rules
Distills what students and parents need to do to pay for college. $19.95
Protect Your Investment
Focuses on the best things students can do to make sure they have a great education at a fair price. 19.95.
Your College Budget
A terrific value that allows you to compare your college choices, as well as prepare a college budget for only $49.95.